Educational evaluation plays an important role in the school. The main emphasis in educational evaluation is on the pupil and his learning progress. A clear picture of where the pupil is and how he is progressing is fundamental to effective teaching by the teacher and effective learning by the pupil. Since education is concerned with the total all-round development of the child, (physical, socio-emotional, intellectual etc) all aspects of the child's development need to be assessed. Schools of the present knowledge society need to develop in their learners the ability to take risks, to be adaptable, to be flexible, to cope with constant change and become lifelong learners. In this context, learners become dynamic leaders with teachers as enablers. This aspect has been strongly taken care of in the National Policy on Education- 1986 which states that
“Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation that incorporates both scholastic and non-scholastic aspects of evaluation, spread over the total span of instructional time “. A continuous and comprehensive evaluation system helps (i) reduce stress on children, (ii) make evaluation comprehensive and regular, (iii) provide space for the teacher for creative teaching, (iv) provide a tool for diagnosis and for producing learners with greater skills.
CCE has proved to be an effective tool of evaluation as it helps in improving student's performance by identifying his/her learning difficulties at regular time intervals right from the beginning of the academic session and employing suitable remedial measures for enhancing their learning performance of students. With CCE aiming at all round development of the child's personality it is expected that a student will be able to take up competitive examinations in right earnest. Therefore, we can conclude by saying CCE speeds up the learning process which in turn shortens the learning curve.
Vaishali your thoughts about CCE are great. Today we need to think critically about the new and novel ideas about designing projects that lear to higher order thinking skills and collaboration in our children. We may have an integrated approach where we meet more than two or three aims by designing innovative projects. Collaboration through internet is very much in nowadyas but then again we need to heck our children so that they do not drift from te real purpose of the project.